Saturday, June 25, 2011

What is the meaning of life and other big questions

Is there a meaning of life?

Strangely we humans are self-aware and can think about the meaning of life. I've always wondered if there is an ultimate truth, and if so does any particular religion hold the ultimate answer to this and other big questions. To my way of thinking the ultimate meaning of life can be broken down into  be broken down into "the big questions". I agree with this meaning of life website that the main big questions are:

Why am I here?
How and why did the universe begin?
What happens when I die, and should I be concerned?
Why is there suffering in the world?
Are there absolute moral values and truths?
Should the rich be concerned about the poor?
Are we alone in the universe?
Is evolution true or were we created?

Interested to hear whether you think there is an ultimate meaning of life, and if so what your personal meaning of life is. And what answers you might have to the questions above!

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